Wednesday 26 September 2018


Hi everyone! How have you guys been lately? I'm doing quite well, except for my asthma. 

Today, I'm going to talk about my uncertainty towards the future... I have always been known for my artistry, but also for my anxiety. I'm always anxious, even about the smallest things. And the problem is, I don't show it until I get a panic attack (which it doesn't happen very often). 

Next is, my classes are going to start next week in the evening. I'm scared of new environments even though my classmates are probably going to be friendly and much older. I'm anxious yet excited because I want to get more productive in my life. I have plans, but I'm scared that I won't be able to achieve them. All I know is that I have to do my best and work very smartly. 

Is there anybody here who has an anxiety disorder like me? If that's the case... when you feel like you're anxious; focus on your deep breathing from your stomach. And try to distract yourself by talking about something else with someone until you've calmed down. Or go take a walk around the block.

You can find other suggestions in this link below.

Good Luck everyone! 

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