Thursday 15 February 2018

Insecurities And Qualities

Hi everyone! How have you been doing? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about my insecurities. Everyone has them. And after that, I'm going to talk about my qualities.

First and foremost, I have insecurities about my height. I'm not tall like I would like to be. I'm only 1m50 (4 ft 92). But I'm trying my best to accept my height. Cause being small is cute + I can economise money while buying clothes in the child section. 😂 

Secondly I don't like my calves. I think they're too muscular and thick. I don't think I have slim calves, but my legs bring me to places and I can run very fast. 

Then I don't like my hairy body. I'm quite hairy for a girl.

And last but not least, I would like to improve my social skills. I'm a very shy person and I would like to be more outgoing.

Up to the next! Now, I'm going to talk about my qualities. 😊 

First, I like my face a lot! I think my face is small and cute. 

Secondly, I like my hands a lot! I'm quite handy, but I can be clumsy sometimes. I think it's cute.

Then I like my voice, I can express myself (singing) with it.

And last but not least, I like my personality in general. I'm strict, but I'm not a tyrant. I'm gentle, but not overly nice. I can be mean, but I'm not a mean person. I like to listen to other people's concerns and love to help them!

That's it for today! See you next time!! ❤️

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