Saturday 17 March 2018

The Rubber Band

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about how to live and get to your full potential. What are you doing (every day) in order to grow and improve yourself? It doesn't have to be everyday, but the question is, are you doing something to improve yourself? 

Many people have dreams, but only a few pursue and achieve them. Mediocrity is the enemy of growth. Everyone needs challenges in order to improve themselves. We won't achieve anything if we don't take risks. If we fail, we learn from it and move on. We become wiser and stronger by doing that. 

What I'm doing to improve myself is reading self-improving books. And I share things that I've learned. 

Our life is like a rubber band. When are they useful? 

That's right, they are only useful when they stretch. At one end, there's you and the other end is your goal. If your band is too stretched, you will find it difficult to achieve the goal. And if it's not stretched enough, then your goal is too easy and you won't grow because of that. One must know what's attainable and what's not. If it's not attainable within a year, make annual goals that goes to that one big goal. And one day, you will reach it. It's a matter of GRIT.

The one who lose, is the one who quits. Winners don't lose by mistakes; they win because of their grit. So that makes them cool. 😊 And I want to be like them. 

That's it folks! Good Luck! 

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