Thursday 15 December 2016


Hi everyone. How are you doing? I'm getting better now after getting support from my friends, my family and school.

First of all, I would like to show them my utmost gratitude, even though I got some harsh advice from some of them and got angry after that...

I've been stressing myself out lately because of my competitiveness at the college. I was comparing myself to those who have a stronger and more straight forwarded personality. I looked up to them, but was also envious of them and lost sight of my own worth at some point.

If you're in the same situation like me (like losing your self-worth). Please don't be. It's just harmful to yourself, just like it did to me.

Much Love and don't ever give up!

Saturday 10 December 2016

Standing Up Again & Facing My Obstacles

Hi everyone! How do you do? I'm feeling much better right now, after talking about it with people I trust and seeking professional help. 

Having a depression is indeed not fun at all and it keeps you from doing things that you love in your daily life. But once detected and recognized... It's much easier to do something about it.

If you have or someone has it right now... I understand that it's very difficult to get (that person) motivated in order to act. You don't have to rush things. Just go and recover on your pace.

For those who know someone who has a depression... I would like to ask you to show great patience, determination and compassion to that person. Because I know how difficult it is to heal that person in question.

Facing your or someone else's depression is the first step to recovery.

"You've overcome such difficult things, and because of that, you're stronger than you know." - Brendon Burchard

I wish you all the best in life, no matter what!

Monday 5 December 2016


Hi everyone... 

Today, I'm going to talk about how a person with a depression feels like cause I want to bring more awareness about that to everyone who's reading my blog. I've been there in the past and this time... it came back before I could even realize it.

A depression is first of all not an illness, but a disturbance of exchanging neurotransmitters and chemicals in your brain. The neurotransmitters play a very important role in your brain because they send and connect information to all parts of your brain. In short, they are the messengers of your brain. And the chemicals (serotonine, dopamine and norepinephrine) are the ones which regulates your body functions, moods and pleasure. ➤ The brain of the person who has a depression produces less of these chemicals.

Now, to me... A depression feels like a monster which devours all my will and happiness to do the things I love to do in my daily life. I can't think or do things properly, my head and neck hurt, I'm always afraid, tired and I have those dark thoughts every now and then. I don't really show those signs now, but I did show it 2 weeks ago. I didn't come out of my room for a few days till late in the night, I couldn't sleep and eat properly as before and my eyes looked lifeless. Beside that, I even avoided every social contact (family and friends) because I didn't want them to ask me if I was feeling okay. I've always avoided that question and now... I'm lying to them by saying that I'm fine or I'm feeling great with a bright smile on my face...

The depression (to me) is in short a monster which I have created. It comes when I'm in my most vulnerable state and then goes away after I've changed my mindset by seeking help and support from the others.

For those who have a depression right now... Please don't be ashamed of it. Having a depression is NOT a sign of weakness.

- Growing out of your depression is, learning to accept and embrace your thoughts without any guilt.-

Friday 21 October 2016

Spread Your Story

Hi, everyone!! How are you doing right now? I'm doing great!

I want to ask you a favour, even though it may be too soon for you. Just take your time, until you feel ready. But first, I want to remind you that you're not the only one who is experiencing pain right now and you are going to experience it again in the future. Everyone does. The one experiences the same pain as the other one, but the intensity may be different. Some people recover very fast from the pain and the other people don't.

With 'Pain', it doesn't only mean physical pain, but also emotional pain. Everyone must have experienced it at least once in their lifetime, even as an infant.

Now, the favour... I want you to spread your story to other people in order to help them. You don't have to follow a professional education, but... you can give them a sign that you're also supporting them and making sure that they're not alone on this Earth. Help comes if you look around. The society needs to show more comprehension to the ones who need help and to give them help. And if you're capable of doing that, you can even begin right now.

Good Luck!

Friday 7 October 2016

Turn Back Time...

Image: Google Images 
This poem is dedicated to my grandfather who just past away this morning...

You were my Sunshine,
Even though we couldn't see each other everyday...
We didn't talk much to each other,
But I loved you very dearly...

While I was busy with growing up,
I also forgot that you were growing old...

I have always wanted you to see my growth
How I became the person I am today...
And I also wanted to share my other happinesses with you.

Your collapse turned my stomach upside down,
And I... Wished I could turn back time...

Rest In Peace, Grandfather... We Love You ❤️ (Family Nguyen)

Sunday 2 October 2016

Quote: Dream Big

No matter what other people think or say about your dreams... Your dreams are YOUR dreams! If you want to achieve them; take bold steps towards it and stay humble while doing it. ☺️

(picture: google images "hope")

Good Luck!!

Thursday 22 September 2016

Relationships (not the romantic one 馃槀)

Hi there!! ^_^ It's been a long time... (I'm sorry) How are you doing? I'm doing fine.

Today, I'm going to talk about some things that has happened in my life until now. First, I've made new contacts with people outside my main language (mine's Dutch-Flemish) and I had also cut some ties because it was REALLY necessary. 

The people I hang out with or talk to (occasionally) speak French and they are really nice people! ^_^ I like them very much, even though they are slightly older than me. But I don't mind. 馃槀 I like hanging out with people who are older than me, anyway. I like them because they take care of me and they are very considerate of their surroundings. Some things may be unusual to me, but I'll adapt to them. Like: drinking cocktails, getting kisses and little affection gestures from the opposite gender (as greetings and gratitude. And I on the other hand... I'm used to giving fistbumps to my other guy friends馃槀) - I'm sorry, guys. I'm still a novice when it comes to friendship (and relationships) with the opposite gender.

Take care!! ❤️

Friday 26 August 2016

The Iris Flower

I would like to give you a gift to show you my gratefulness for following my posts and bearing with me all this time... 

This is my painting of an Iris flower (one of my favourite flowers) ☺️

©S么ng-S么ng Dang

Did you know that the Iris flower stands for Royalty, Wisdom, Valor, Faith & Hope? That's why I love it! ❤️馃槉

Good Luck!!

Monday 15 August 2016

Dream Big

Hi there!! ^_^ How have you been lately? I'm doing great!!

I've been relaxing and thinking about myself lately and I have to say that I'm dreaming of becoming someone who is important to the others. A person who dares to lead the way and making decisions - even if I've made mistakes, but still get supported. In short, I want to become a good leader to my comrades.

Right now... I'm not that kind of person because I'm still hesitant to make my own decisions. So I have to work hard for it in order to achieve the kind of person I want to become. Nothing will happen if you're just learning from books instead of actually doing it.

If you have a dream... Dare to dream big. And if you don't, I know you'll find it. 

It takes time...

Good Luck!! 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Change of Schedule - Fly Further

Hi there!! How have you been? I'm doing great right now, but I have to tell you one bad news...

I won't be able to write more frequently from now on because I don't know what to tell you. For that, I'm very sorry... But it still doesn't mean that I'll stop writing. It's just that my posts are going to be more irregular instead of each Wednesday and Saturday. 

I can only advize you now to look up to more people who share my same or similar goal. People who also do their best to motivate their audience and followers. I'm still a young adult who's still unexperienced and I can only share with you my own knowledge. All I can do right now is to encourage you to expand your wings and fly further than your are right now. 

You're more than you are. Each person (except when they've gone too far with their crime and won't change) on this Earth is valuable. I'm not speaking as a religious being, but as a Human... a fellow person who speaks a language that other humans can understand. 

There are people who believe in God and there are also people who don't; and I'm one of the non-religious people. I don't have anything against people who're religious, but I just don't agree with when they claim that atheists are fools or fags... I don't call religious people names... Nor do they have the right to call us names. - No one is more valuable than the other. Everyone's a human, but with different ethnicities, races, ... But it doesn't change the fact that we're human.

Good Luck!! ( ^_^ )

Saturday 9 July 2016

Becoming "You"

Hi there!! How have you been? 馃槉 I'm doing great!!

I think you understand what this title means... 

We all know that many people are acting in order to be well-liked by other people... But they don't live their life the way they want and this message is a 'wake up call'. There are still many writers & speakers who send this message to their audience, but their message has not completely reached everyone.

You are the only one who can build your TRUE self, but you are also the only one who can DESTROY yourself. Don't let some bad experiences define who you really are! They can be a part of your life, but not WHO YOU ARE! You are the only one who's making the decisions! And if someone is trying to influence you to do something and it's against your principles... Stay away from them! 

(When your parents are asking to do some housework... That's a different matter; they just want you to help them. And for some of you... It's also different again... I can't really help you about this matter personally. But I can only say this... Indure it until you see an opportunity to escape from that place or seek help if the situation gets (too) dangerous)

Another advice... Spend each time every day (± 30 - 60 min.) alone in order to find yourself, your goal and your intentions... What do you WANT in life? Are you truly being yourself? What do you want to change about yourself in order to like yourself more? Envision it! The more you think about what you want to become (don't become someone else! Be the REAL you), the more you are becoming it. + If you know someone like that; share this message! (Sharing is caring)

Good Luck!! 馃槈

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Getting Inspired & Inspiring Others

Hi there everyone!! How have you been? I'm doing very well 馃構

In this chapter I'm going to talk about getting inspired by others and inspiring other people. Like I've said at the beginning (my very first post on this blog); I have a reason/reasons why I started this blog. (even my mother was against it, but she still supports my decision because my decision made me happy) 

  1. I want to help people who have experienced the same experience(s) by posting encouraging messages and the possibilities to live a better life;
  2. (This is the greatest reason why I started this blog) I got inspired by many people thanks to the internet.
There are many ways to get inspired by people AND to inspire other people. You can share your story on a blog, you can draw, compose a song, take pictures, talk about it with your community, make a video, ... (too many to sum them up)
And I got inspired by people on Youtube! 馃槀

Like I said in my last post 'Do Only Things That Matters', I also started this blog because it matters to me to help people who got in the same or similar situation as I've gotten in the past. This blog also helps me to process my thoughts and feelings, it's also like a personal diary to me. I only write when I get inspired or when I feel the need to write something down. 

Other people can inspire you, but YOU ARE the ONLY one who can change your life to a whole new level! (If you haven't read one of my previous posts 'The Pure Lotus Flower', please read it)

And if you really need to say or share something with other people, like I do... Just do it and don't overthink!! You will never take a step forward if you overthink, but anticipating isn't bad either. 馃槈 

Good Luck!!! 

Friday 1 July 2016

Do Only Things That Matters

Hi there!! ^_^ I'm on vacation right now and I'm enjoying it with my family...

Tomorrow, I'm going to visit my grandparents (father's side). The trip will be very long because my mother's family live in the city while my father's are living in the countryside. So, I won't be able to post something tomorrow.

Everyone has ONE life and MANY opportunities. Most of us are doing their best to impress other people who don't deserve it. 

Don't waste your time on those people! Do only things that matters to you and to the ones who really support you!! Get rid of everything that drains you! I know it will be difficult, but... You WILL get there! Never give up!! 馃挭

Good Luck!! ^_^ 

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Friendship Vs Love

Hi there!! ^_^ How have you been lately? I'm doing great right now + enjoying my vacation.

In this chapter I'm going to talk about my relationship with boys that I've met this year. First of all, I'm able to talk and act very normal around them. But it stops right there because I still have trust issues when it comes to love and such. 

I've met boys who have common interests, who are kind, shy and funny. I like talking to them about our interests and their updates. (e.g. anime) Tbh, most of the girls that I've met in the past tend to gossip... So I don't really hang out around them. 

I'm very happy that I'm progressing this year (on my own pace). 

My goal right now is to gain knowledge at the college, meeting new people and getting my certificate. Love can wait 馃槀

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Life is a very bumpy road... Everyone knows that. Each time we fall, we have to stand up again and take new steps towards our goal. 

The ones who persevere till the end are Winners and Quitters will never win if they give up.

You don't have to prove your worth to everyone; the ones who need you in their life will eventually come to you and stick with you through thick and thin. ❤️ And I've realized this a while ago.

Good luck and NEVER Give Up!! 

Saturday 18 June 2016

The Pure Lotus Flower

Hi there!! ^_^ It really has been a while... How have you been? 

As you may have known, I was really busy with my exams and I couldn't post anything during that time.

I have to admit that life at the college can be difficult (changing your study methods), but yet also very thrilling! - You meet new people, make new friends and start anew as a new person. During your whole year, there are times when you feel like you're the best and there are times when you feel like you're really miserable and want to give up on everything. Well I have to be honest, real life is like that. Everyone has bad and good times in their life, but why can some of them still be happy despite experiencing those bad times? It's because of their mindset, their look on their life.

If you want to live a happy life, then you have to change your mindset and surround yourself with optimistic people. On the other hand, pessimistic people tend to be more cautious, so... They aren't useless either.

Life is a path with many surprises (the good and bad ones). You'll learn more about yourself each time you move forward. Beside this, there're quotes that I've found very helpful when I felt really miserable (hesistant, lost, ...)

"If you feel lost, disappointed, hesistant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourserlf, like a lotus flower in full bloom in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong." - Masaru Emoto, Secret Life of Water

"Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it doesn't allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth and beauty." - Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writing of Suzy Kassem  
Be the Lotus 馃槈

Monday 18 April 2016

The Path to Make The World A Better Place (Update 02/06 : See 'Note')

The world, full of hate and war... This may sound idealistic, but I just only believe in love and compassion - the comprehension between 2 or more individuals. 

Humans are able to talk to each other, but some don't even bother to try to understand each other... They just talk, but don't communicate. 

We, the humans, we have the ability to understand each other if both of us put our input to it. It's not onesided. We live in a growing, but yet destructive world where few people understand and have compassion for each other. You'll be treated differently if you looked or acted differently from the others. 

In order to be able to live with each other, you have to accept yourself first for who you truly are. (integrity) - You show your true self to everyone, you live honestly. There are parts of your life that are linked with each other. 
For example: If you lie to yourself, you're also lying to the others around you and that will also affect your relationship(s). = You're not living with integrity

Humans are fundamentally Good People, but they can behave uncivilized because they're lost or they've experienced something that has affected their life. In order to pull them into the society again (being part of the society), we have to put ethics in their life again. This doesn't mean that you have to punish them, but to give them a chance to take their full responsibility for what they have done and to correct their mistakes. 

Ethic's really important in life in order to be able to live happily with yourself and the other people in the society, even the world. Without Ethic, no one's going to be honest with each other and the world would be chaotic.

NOTE: Please be a bit more patient with me. I'll be active again after 17 June. 

Saturday 2 April 2016

The Invisible Wall(s)

Hi there! ( ^_^ )

In this chapter, I'm going to talk about the Invisible Wall(s) that can hold us back from functioning normally in our daily life. With other words, our (childhood) trauma's that have an impact on our daily life as an adult/young adult/teenager, ...

As a young adult myself, I can state that I had been thinking and taking actions based on my (childhood) experiences and feelings. And I had been restricted from thinking out of the box just because of thinking about those experiences.

I'm now less affected by my childhood traumas because I've learned to let them go and to move on. I've learned a course, but I can't really tell you the name of it because I don't have the right to tell it. I can just explain to you that I'm reliving a painful experience during that session, talk or tell about it until it doesn't affect me anymore. First of all, it wasn't hypnosis because I was still conscious during the session. After that, I had to relive about a happy moment in my life. And I felt relieved after each session. 

All I want to say is that we are the ones who put the limits to our own abilities and thinkings. We are responsible for our own life and growth. It may take a lot of time and courage to break those walls, but once you've done it... You will realize that you're more capable than you think! ;-)

Good Luck! ( ^_^ )

PS.: I'll be still absent for a while because of the upcoming exams. I really appreciate your patience. I can be active again at the end of the month of June. 

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Black Day Of Brussels Since WWII

Hi everyone.

I just read the national news this morning and there were bombings in the area where I live. The whole country is in chaos. First of all, I'm safe and I was lucky enough to have read the news and messages before leaving the house.

I was preparing myself before leaving the house because I had to give a presentation today, but it was canceled. (for the third time since the month of october)

I got worried about my mother, brother and sister after reading the news. I called my mother multiple times and I finally got to know that my mother was safe. Then I've texted my brother and sister to be careful when they're going back home after school because I know they couldn't text me back. Then I called them just to know if they were also safe. (And they were safe)
I've cried while hoping for their safety before that.

My condolences to those who lost their loved ones...

Saturday 12 March 2016


Hi everyone! ( ^_^ )

First of all, I have to apologize because I'll be absent for some time. The reason is that I have to focus more on my report for my internship.

I really appreciate your patience.

I'll look forward to serve you more next time! ;-)


Friday 11 March 2016

Affecting Words - Healing (Update)

Hi there! ( ^_^ )

In this chapter I'm going to talk about the words that are still affecting me. (even though I grew out of my trauma)

It's not like I get flashbacks from the past (maybe I still do), but those words just give me a disgusting feeling/vibe. 

- grope
- rape
- caress
- glaring
- sex
- ... etc.

(All kinds of words that are related to the sexual assault/activities and pedophilia) - You can just say that these words are kind of a taboo to me, but they are also not at the same time... If you know what I mean. I can still talk about them normally, but I'll have bad feelings after that.

2 years ago, I couldn't even say those words out loud. I always broke down or got angry just by thinking about it. But I've learned to deal with it, after talking about it with my close ones. I always cried when I was talking about it in the past, but this time's different. I didn't cry just by thinking/talking/reading about it, but the anger didn't disappear.

The most important thing that you have to know from my experience is that you have to learn how to deal with your trauma. I've learned to process and deal with it by talking about it with someone or writing it down in my journal. You have to become more aware of your thoughts and your feelings, and learn to accept them as they are. 

First, take a moment for yourself when you're having negative feelings or thoughts. Then, try to describe how you're feeling or what you're thinking - without judging yourself. Just describe them. You can also ask someone to listen to you or write them down if it doesn't work. Being aware of your feelings and thoughts is really important in order to feel less (di)stressed. Being aware is not enough. You also have to accept them as they are. If you strain yourself from accepting your feelings or thoughts, then you're going to feel even more suffocated. 

For example: Your body and mind are like a room (if we try to visualise it). And in that room, you're trying to suppress those feelings and thoughts in it. (the room gets smaller) - That's what most people do and they suffer after that just because they've suppressed their feelings/thoughts or both. 

The healing process can only proceed if you've learned to accept them as they are.

Good Luck! ( ^_^ ) 

Saturday 5 March 2016


Hi there! ^_^

Today, I'm going to talk about my progress during my mother's birhtday yesterday.
We went to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant for her birthday and I really looked forward to it. She just announced in the morning that we are going to have dinner at a restaurant. But then I've heard that my mother's going to invite my father, too. I got devastated after that statement and I didn't want to go anymore. But I still took all my courage to go anyway. But then I only thought to myself that I'm just doing this because it's my mother's birthday and I'll make sure that I won't make her sad.

I was really tense and angry before meeting my father again, but the anger disappeared when he arrived. Even my sister tried to comfort me before I met him. I could exchange a few words with my father and it ends there, just to make sure we won't have a fight.

I could talk to him normally, but I won't trust him anymore... ( ^_^')

@S么ng-S么ng D.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Afraid of Receiving & Falling in Love - Hate

In this chapter, I'm going to talk about one of my fears: Afraid of Falling in Love

I think you know where I got that fear from...

I'm unable to, or more likely, afraid to fall in love with the opposite gender after all the things that I've gone through in my childhood. I can befriend the opposite gender, but I'm too afraid to have a more intimate relationship with them... My male friends did earn some of my trust, but it stops at that degree. I can talk normally to them, but the chances are high that I'd refuse if they asked me to go out with them (even as a friend).

Love is a beautiful existence in this world. Everyone is born with it, but their heart can change depending on how they perceive their environment and experiences. With other words, it's not because of their experience that they've become cold, cruel, ... etc. But because of how they gave the signification to their experience(s).

Like me for example, I've grown to hate my father because of how I've perceived those experiences. I'm the opposite of my mother. My mother is a forgiving person and is still maintaining a quite stable relationship with my father (as friends/acquaintances). And I on the other hand, I consider him as my enemy.

I've noticed (a long time ago) that hating and keeping those negative feelings inside of me-is taking a toll on me. I can't love openly and truthfully if I still haven't gotten rid of it. Right now, I can only give love to those who deserve it. But that doesn't even mean that it's true love. (well, according to me) But that doesn't even also mean that I'm being a hypocrite. Being a hypocrite means that you pretend to love someone, but in reality - you don't give a f* about that person. Hypocrites also like to manipulate other people in order to achieve their goal or destroy other people. They can achieve their goal by giving fake love, but it only works temporary. They can't manipulate anymore when their tricks are revealed.

I'm a person who shows only love to the people I care about and hostility (and obviously) to those I consider a thread. But I want to change that. I want to show more respect to those I'm considering as a thread, but I'm not obliged to love them either. Showing respect to my enemies doesn't mean that I'm a hypocrite. If I don't do anything bad behind their back (like spreading rumors or destroying them), then it's not hypocricity. We also ask for peace by showing respect to them. Everyone has their pride and I don't want to lose my pride by hating and destroying my enemies.

We have to spread love and respect in order to make a better world. Every true leader is taking action everyday in order to make this world a better place for the next generation. 

Saturday 27 February 2016


Hi there! ( ^_^ )

While I'm still recovering from the other trauma... I just want you to know - No matter what happened, don't just blame yourself. 

I did that in the past and I got always sick because of it. But now... I don't do that anymore, unless I do really know that I'm also partly responsible for the consequences. You won't get anywhere if you just blame yourself. So, stop blaming yourself if you're not responsible for it. But don't also blame the others for your misery. If you want to feel and get better in life - Take action. Every great leaders will say that. I'm talking here about our Personal Freedom. I've learned this words from Brendon Burchard's book 'The Motivation Manifesto' and Brian Tracey. 

Let's get back to the topic for a little bit (Self-blaming). Most of us are likely going to blame themselves because of something that happened to them. For example, I blamed myself in the past for being unable to warn my parents about the molesting case at the beginning. If I had warned them about that, they/I could have prevented the assaulting case. Yes, I got molested for days at the beginning and then assaulted. I was really powerless back then. I got lured by the food he was giving me and he succesfully earned my trust. 

I was ashamed and blamed myself for years. I couldn't even interact with the opposite sex properly. But then I got a calling in my head after that. That was when I began to open up to my little sister. I just shared my secret 2 years ago. I became the person I am today because of that calling.

In short, if you've regretted because of your unability to prevent something. You have to change the course in order to free yourself from it. This course will take some time and energy, but it's worth it. What you couldn't do back then, you can change it by doing it today, tomorrow or right now. 

Good Luck! ;-)

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Next Obstacle: Recovering From My Other Childhood Trauma

In this chapter, I'm going to talk about my other early childhood trauma: My bad father/daughter relationship till this present.

As you may know, I've recovered from my other childhood trauma. (sexual assault by someone I knew) But it doesn't mean that I've recovered from the other trauma(s).

This bad father/daughter relationship affects me till this day. My father was extremely abusive in the past (physically and emotionally). There was a time when he wanted to kill my mother in front of us (my siblings and I) because he needed money. My father was a gambler. (I was 9 at that time)

I've never liked him because of his explosive behaviours towards every little issue. My earliest memory of him was when he was physically abusing me because I peed in my pants. And I was a toddler at that time. He pushed me against the door, slapped multiple time on my face and yelled at me in the middle of the night. And at the end, he violently pulled me to the closet to change my pants. (I don't remember what really happened before he abused me, but I had wet pants and I was crying. My mother wasn't present)

My next memory was when I was playing a game on the computer. (game: tic-tac-toe) My father came right beside me during the game and I lost at the end of the game. My father became really violent after my loss. He began to scold me, hit my head and left.

Next was when we were travelling in other countries during summer vacation. I really hated to take pictures of myself and family pictures... The atmosphere got always tense when he ordered us to stand next to each other just to take a family picture or to record us. There were times I refused to let him take pictures of me, but we always end up in a fight just because I didn't want to let him take pictures of me.

One of the worst time was when he said to his uncle and aunt that he didn't love us as much as he does to his nephews and nieces. We weren't there, but his uncle and aunt told this to my mother first and she told me after that.

And there was more... The last time was when my previous school had announced the death of a schoolmate. I was really affected by that announcement and my father screamed at my mother for nothing at that very same day. That was when I've exploded in front of him and we yelled at each other through the door of my room.

All my frustrations bottled up till now and I still couldn't digest it... I've never forgiven him.

Each time when I began to read a self-recovering book, I began to cry of anger. I cry of anger not just because of my father, but also because of myself. I'm angry at myself to be unable to forgive and love my father after all his mistakes. I do know that he has made mistakes because he's a human, too. Everyone has made mistakes and I can't deny that I've also made mistakes in the past.

Recovering from your childhood traumas takes time and energy. But the problem is that I have to slow down myself and take a deep breath before going to the next step.

If you feel the same way... Good Luck to you, too! ( ^_^ )

Sunday 21 February 2016

Keep Moving Forward - Meeting New People

Hi! ^_^ I'll keep it short in this post.

My internship ended on friday and I got a really positive feedback from my mentor. I got really motivated to keep pushing forward after that.

No matter what feedback you get... Just take the essential out of it and move forward.


On the 20th of February, I attended a birthday party of a friend and I got to know nice and funny people. But there were also other people who were less likable.  I didn't really pay attention to them after that. 

Last but not least, I thought at the end of the party that it wasn't so bad to get to know other people. But I still have to be careful to whom I speak.

Thursday 18 February 2016

The End Of A Phase Is Near (Internship)

Hi there! ^_^ Like I've warned to all of you, I've been already on an internship for almost 3 weeks and the end of it is very near right now. (Only 2 days to go and it will end)

The lessons are going to resume next week. (Too soon! I'd like to have a week off in order to work further on my report)
I do love to go to the college, but I think that it's too soon to resume the lessons. But the funny thing is, I'm the one who's procrastinating right now. I always thought about taking action, but I'm too lazy or distracted by many things. (LOL) This sounds really ironic. ( ^_^') I'm posting encouraging messages and quotes about discipline and taking action, but I'm doing less then what I've said to you.
And do you know how I felt after that? - I felt really guilty. - SORRY - 

Procrastinating is one of my recent bad habits and I've decided to take more action, starting from tomorrow. I'll make sure that I've done everything from my daily checklist. I just found another way to make sure that I'll take action tomorrow, and that thing is: making short checklists everyday in order to take less pressure from me. I've noticed that I felt really pressured after making a long daily checklist. 

I recommend you to not procrastinate (like me for example, I'm being a bad girl right now). You'll regret it if you don't take action any sooner. 

In order to be a role model for the others, you have to set an example for yourself first. Or else, it won't work.

Good Luck to all of us! ( ^_^ )

Thursday 11 February 2016


In this post, I'm going to talk about the moments when I was defiant towards any forms of authority.
For example, I was always defiant towards my father. My father was a man who controlled  the family (verbally and physically). He didn't give us much freedom. He wanted to decide on everything without talking about it with the family. He was a man who moved alone without being considerate of his surroundings.

I was really obedient and afraid of him when I was a child - until I got assaulted by a person I knew since my early childhood and bullied by most of the boys of my school. I've endured all of it and I exploded at the end when my father was yelling at my mother because she wasn't doing something the way he wanted (2 years ago). And before that, I also broke down at school on that same day because of the loss of a schoolmate. I didn't know her, but I got really affected by her sudden death. - She committed suicide. I saw her at school from a distance, but I didn't know her and I've never spoken to her. All I know about her was: she was a withdrawn girl and she belonged to a group of fun, joyful girls.

I hit the table after he screamed at her and locked myself up in my room after that. Because I've known that I'd be screwed after that if I sat there any longer. As I could have expected, my father went to my room and screamed at me to open the door. I refused. After screaming at me through the door, I began to scream at him as well. And that's when our relationship between father-daughter got worsened. 

I've gotten more rebellious towards him. Up until now, our relationship still hasn't been improved because I'm still avoiding him.

This is an example of a long-during life-event my life (and my father's life) got affected with.

I just want to let you know that you will not progress in life if you don't solve your own issues. Solve it when it bothers you. And if the issue doesn't affect your life, then you don't have to pay attention to it. ( ^_^')

Good Luck! 

Saturday 6 February 2016

Becoming Your Own Master

The path(s) you're choosing determine(s) your outcome(s). It's the same for your mindset. 
You'll move more forward when you look at things more positively then when you're looking at those negatively. 

Many fearful people don't have the courage to take the initiave to manage their life independently, and so they just follow someone else's orders blindly. Fearful people are those who just accepts what everyone else says about them. They still live in conformity - a life with monotone colors and no vibrancy. 

The true Masters are those who have the courage to decline everything that can undermine their self-confidence. They play their own game. They won't let other (negative) people influence their life. They are determined to achieve their goal and confident enough to overcome each obstacle in life. 

Everyone is their own Master and no one has the right to take control over your life. And when I'm talking about control, I mean: the negative influences of someone else and those who want to hold you back from anything you want to achieve. True Masters are those who are seeking for their own Freedom. The freedom to express themselves. The freedom to decide and achieve their goal. They are fearless of the Unknown, but it doens't mean that they'll jump in it recklessly. Their main goal is to become a better individual. Beside all this, they also won't look back at their dark past(s). Or else they won't be able to feel free and grow. The purpose of being a better person is to live in the present and to plan for YOUR own future.

Good Luck! :-)

Wednesday 3 February 2016

One of The Stepping Stones to Improve Yourself

Like I said in 'The Long Road': Everyone needs challenges to improve themselves (in life and personally). There are times we fail and get lost, and there are times we succeed. But if you decide to give up now - after getting lost or a failure, you lose. 

Inspirational people and great leaders became who they are right now because they could overcome their fears and failures. They fought with determination and discipline. And they never gave up on their dreams and values - no matter their circumstances. 
Those people were ones like us. There were times when they wanted to give up, but got out of it. Even I wanted to give up, but then I decided to stop pitying myself and blaming the others for my myseries. 

If you're not satisfied with your current life, you can make a difference of it by changing your way of thinking. By changing your way of thinking, you also change the way you live and the way you perceive the world. (And I'm still working on it ^_^)
Changing the way you're thinking takes a lot of time and energy, but it's worth it. You have to be more disciplined, determined AND most importantly, to be patient for it.

Like, getting more self-confidence: Self-confidence is a muscle that you have to train everyday. By challenging yourself and overcoming your challenges, you gain more self-confidence and satisfaction. And if you gain more self-confidence, you have more courage to challenge yourself and to make mistakes. Perfectionists are not those who do everything perfecty, but they are the ones who don't release. They don't release because of the Fear of Failing, and so they don't have the chance to perfect their skill(s) or product(s). Those who don't fear of failure can perfect their skill(s) or product(s) and evolve into a better person. 

Good Luck! ( ^_^ )

Please follow me, give this post a +1, share or comment. I'll really appreciate your cooperation!

Monday 1 February 2016


Hi everyone! ( ^_^ )

I'd like to warn you that I'll be on a 3-weeks-internship from now on. But that doens't mean that I won't be active again. It may be a little bit tricky to write something from now on, but I'll do my best to serve you more consistently. (wednesday & saturday) ;-) 

Thank you for your patience and consideration.

Much love, hugs and kisses!

Saturday 30 January 2016

The Road of Hardship

©S么ng-S么ng D.

Please comment, share or follow me if you want to get more updates! ( ^_^ )

Much love, hugs and kisses!

Friday 29 January 2016

The Long Road

First of all, my sincerest apologies for being inactive for almost a month. But I'll make that up. ( ^_^ ) I don't plan on stopping our journey because there are things I still want to say and share, but it's a bit chaotic right now. I'll do my best to put my thoughts into words.

I was preparing for my exams on the end of the month of december and my exams started on the 8th of january till 20th (of january). The exams weren't very difficult, but I'm sure I'll fail on 1 subject because I was procrastinating on that last subject. ( ^_^')

I didn't know what to write on this blog after finishing my exams, but it didn't also mean that I was doing nothing at that time. I followed other motivation speakers/writers in order to keep running this blog and I've discoverd new things thanks to them. I've learned to never give up on serving others, even if I've nothing new to offer. Just reminding them consistently is also enough to keep motivating them. If you have the feeling that this blog doesn't motivate you enough, I recommend you to watch Brendon Burchard's videos on Youtube. He is one of the many people who taught me to never give up, no matter your circumstances/situation. 

I'm currently reading his book: The Motivation Manifesto, actually a really good book. This book has 2 sections and I'm still in the 1st section (3 chapters). The 1st section gives an insight on the freedom that people are/were seeking (there's a little bit of history in it), the fear that people have and their psychology + the motivation (still have to read this chapter). I can't give further details on this book because of the copyrights, but I do recommend you to also read this book. This book is free and you only have to pay for the shipping. I'll put the link at the end of this post.

Beside this, everyone knows that they still have a long way to go to get to where they want or who they want to be. Everyone encounters hardships/challenges in their lives, but those hardships/challenges are the ones who will help you to grow. You'll feel comfortable when you don't have hardships/challenges in your life, but you won't grow either without those hardships/challenges. There was a time when I felt too comfortable and I got restless after that. That was the time when I've noticed that I wanted to do something new in my life, the time when I wanted to grow. In short, everyone needs challenges in their lives. Like in one of my previous posts, I still have unsolved family issues. It will be solved when the right time comes.

Living a life comfortably
Is living a life without seeking for your true self
The Road everyone travels is different and unique
Hardships may not be our best friend, but they have their own benefits.
We get hurt
We learn from it
We grow
We move on
- S么ng - S么ng Dang 

This is the link to Brendon Burchard's book: 

Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year!

I wish you all a Prosperous, Healthy and a Happy New Year!
Here's a special present for you all. - My first painting of the year

Name of the painting: Fruits of Prosperity

©S么ng-S么ng Dang

Much love, kisses and hugs!