Monday 18 April 2016

The Path to Make The World A Better Place (Update 02/06 : See 'Note')

The world, full of hate and war... This may sound idealistic, but I just only believe in love and compassion - the comprehension between 2 or more individuals. 

Humans are able to talk to each other, but some don't even bother to try to understand each other... They just talk, but don't communicate. 

We, the humans, we have the ability to understand each other if both of us put our input to it. It's not onesided. We live in a growing, but yet destructive world where few people understand and have compassion for each other. You'll be treated differently if you looked or acted differently from the others. 

In order to be able to live with each other, you have to accept yourself first for who you truly are. (integrity) - You show your true self to everyone, you live honestly. There are parts of your life that are linked with each other. 
For example: If you lie to yourself, you're also lying to the others around you and that will also affect your relationship(s). = You're not living with integrity

Humans are fundamentally Good People, but they can behave uncivilized because they're lost or they've experienced something that has affected their life. In order to pull them into the society again (being part of the society), we have to put ethics in their life again. This doesn't mean that you have to punish them, but to give them a chance to take their full responsibility for what they have done and to correct their mistakes. 

Ethic's really important in life in order to be able to live happily with yourself and the other people in the society, even the world. Without Ethic, no one's going to be honest with each other and the world would be chaotic.

NOTE: Please be a bit more patient with me. I'll be active again after 17 June. 

Saturday 2 April 2016

The Invisible Wall(s)

Hi there! ( ^_^ )

In this chapter, I'm going to talk about the Invisible Wall(s) that can hold us back from functioning normally in our daily life. With other words, our (childhood) trauma's that have an impact on our daily life as an adult/young adult/teenager, ...

As a young adult myself, I can state that I had been thinking and taking actions based on my (childhood) experiences and feelings. And I had been restricted from thinking out of the box just because of thinking about those experiences.

I'm now less affected by my childhood traumas because I've learned to let them go and to move on. I've learned a course, but I can't really tell you the name of it because I don't have the right to tell it. I can just explain to you that I'm reliving a painful experience during that session, talk or tell about it until it doesn't affect me anymore. First of all, it wasn't hypnosis because I was still conscious during the session. After that, I had to relive about a happy moment in my life. And I felt relieved after each session. 

All I want to say is that we are the ones who put the limits to our own abilities and thinkings. We are responsible for our own life and growth. It may take a lot of time and courage to break those walls, but once you've done it... You will realize that you're more capable than you think! ;-)

Good Luck! ( ^_^ )

PS.: I'll be still absent for a while because of the upcoming exams. I really appreciate your patience. I can be active again at the end of the month of June.