Wednesday 22 April 2020

Perfect Opportunity To Reflect Upon Ourselves

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I hope you're not getting too lonely or bored during this self-quarantine... 

Some of you are probably busy because of their studies at home or parents who have to preteach their children to prevent them from forgetting their lessons and teaching them new topics and juggling with their work, too, etc. 

The world is slowing down (except for those who are fighting hard at the front lines against the COVID-19)... I guess there are people who have (almost) nothing to do on a daily basis, and I'm one of them. The only things I do are helping out with house chores, baking/cooking for fun and studying and practicing occasionally. 

I thought that being always productive was a good thing, a year ago. And I pushed myself to do something more... I realised a few months ago that we can also be productive by being stagnate for a short period. 

And this time is the perfect time to do that by just reflecting on yourself and to meditate. It is time to find your inner peace during this chaotic period. I know it won't come directly for some of you, but finding peace is a process. It's a journey of self-discovery. Sometimes it's easier and then the other times... maybe not, but that's OK. Don't be hard on yourself if you don't get it like you wanted. The keys to finding your peace are your patience and compassion towards yourself.

Some of you like to do it in a quiet secluded place/room and some may not mind the little sounds in the background. Everyone is different. To meditate is to get in touch with yourself, feelings, thoughts, etc. without being self-critical. You're there to observe and to allow yourself to feel everything within you. It doesn't mean that you have to detach yourself completely. Feel, observe and acknowledge. 

If you're a beginner, I would recommend you to start with at least 5 minutes of meditation.  Just by focusing on your breath. Your breaths need to be deep and slow. Chest must stay still, only your stomach can move. Try to imagine that your stomach is a balloon. Every time you breath in (5 seconds), your stomach is being filled with air. Then breath out slowly (7 seconds) to release the air from the stomach and repeat it for at least 5 minutes.

Your mind may wander during your first sessions, but it will get better afterwards. Don't push yourself if it doesn't work anymore, stop and retry it later. 

You may meditate in a sitting or lying position with closed eyes, as long as you feel comfortable. 

I hope this post was understandable to you. If there's anything you would like to request, be sure to give me a comment.

Take care everyone! And don't forget to love yourself and other people!

Thursday 9 April 2020


Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing quite well.

The current times are hard to some of you and I understand that. Especially, those who are living alone/are living with domestic abuse or those who need mental health support regularly. 

We are all in this together and it is really important to find support for yourself or show support to someone you know who might be vulnerable right now. No matter what. Giving up is not an option. It will definitely get better after all this crisis. 

Right now, almost everything will be done at distance to ensure everyone's safety. 

Please take care of yourself as much as possible. Then you'll be able to take care of someone else. 
Limit your direct contact with other people and respect everyone, especially those who are in  the front lines: paramedics, cashiers, deliverers, ... etc. (Those who come in direct contact with other people because of their duty)

It might be hard for everyone right now, but we will be stronger and more united when all this is over. 

Take care everyone!

Monday 6 April 2020

It's Been A While

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I have to admit that it has been a very long time since I've last posted something on this Blog.

I'm currently still abroad for my education as a beautician and I've almost finished it; till this disease affected the world. Almost everything had to close down because of it and no one knows when it's possible to resume our daily activities. 

I'm still in a LDR with my boyfriend and I have to admit that it's taking a small toll on our relationship. But we are staying strong and are doing our best to support each other. We are both working on things that we can focus on instead of complaining about the distance and the time we've lost to spend together. 

It's was very hard at the beginning.We broke down a few times during our first months of being apart from each other, but we worked it through.

This time, even my return ticket got cancelled because of the outbreak, but what can I do? I can only observe the situation of both countries in order to decide the date of my return flight. And I'm even more lucky to have my mother's family by my side. 

I'm extremely grateful to have them and the fact that they take care of me, even though my stay with them isn't always rose coloured.

The only thing that I have in hand are lash-lifting and SPA-massage certificates. I still have one more to go and that is the Nail technician/artist, but that's for after the outbreak.

Stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones!