Saturday 30 January 2016

The Road of Hardship

©Sông-Sông D.

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Much love, hugs and kisses!

Friday 29 January 2016

The Long Road

First of all, my sincerest apologies for being inactive for almost a month. But I'll make that up. ( ^_^ ) I don't plan on stopping our journey because there are things I still want to say and share, but it's a bit chaotic right now. I'll do my best to put my thoughts into words.

I was preparing for my exams on the end of the month of december and my exams started on the 8th of january till 20th (of january). The exams weren't very difficult, but I'm sure I'll fail on 1 subject because I was procrastinating on that last subject. ( ^_^')

I didn't know what to write on this blog after finishing my exams, but it didn't also mean that I was doing nothing at that time. I followed other motivation speakers/writers in order to keep running this blog and I've discoverd new things thanks to them. I've learned to never give up on serving others, even if I've nothing new to offer. Just reminding them consistently is also enough to keep motivating them. If you have the feeling that this blog doesn't motivate you enough, I recommend you to watch Brendon Burchard's videos on Youtube. He is one of the many people who taught me to never give up, no matter your circumstances/situation. 

I'm currently reading his book: The Motivation Manifesto, actually a really good book. This book has 2 sections and I'm still in the 1st section (3 chapters). The 1st section gives an insight on the freedom that people are/were seeking (there's a little bit of history in it), the fear that people have and their psychology + the motivation (still have to read this chapter). I can't give further details on this book because of the copyrights, but I do recommend you to also read this book. This book is free and you only have to pay for the shipping. I'll put the link at the end of this post.

Beside this, everyone knows that they still have a long way to go to get to where they want or who they want to be. Everyone encounters hardships/challenges in their lives, but those hardships/challenges are the ones who will help you to grow. You'll feel comfortable when you don't have hardships/challenges in your life, but you won't grow either without those hardships/challenges. There was a time when I felt too comfortable and I got restless after that. That was the time when I've noticed that I wanted to do something new in my life, the time when I wanted to grow. In short, everyone needs challenges in their lives. Like in one of my previous posts, I still have unsolved family issues. It will be solved when the right time comes.

Living a life comfortably
Is living a life without seeking for your true self
The Road everyone travels is different and unique
Hardships may not be our best friend, but they have their own benefits.
We get hurt
We learn from it
We grow
We move on
- Sông - Sông Dang 

This is the link to Brendon Burchard's book: 

Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year!

I wish you all a Prosperous, Healthy and a Happy New Year!
Here's a special present for you all. - My first painting of the year

Name of the painting: Fruits of Prosperity

©Sông-Sông Dang

Much love, kisses and hugs!