Thursday 31 December 2015

Blocked Self-expression

Hi there! ^_^ How are you doing?

Today, I'm going to talk about what I've learned about my self-expression that has been blocked, thanks to J.J. With other words, my speech has been blocked because of one thing that could damage my health - and that thing was: Shutting out some people of my life instead of confronting them. 

I've been mad on some people for years and I've ignored them since then. But I felt really suffocated after that because I couldn't express my anger and frustration back then. I remember my mother saying (not so long ago) that I have to confront them and talk to them about the matter(s) that hasn't/haven't been resolved in order to make me feel less stressed and more freely.

I'm thinking about contacting those people after I've cleared up my mind. But I'm still not ready for this right now because I still couldn't throw away my anger.

If you're also feeling that way... Then try to do the same. You'll not be alone when you're doing it. ;-) 

Good luck! :-)

2016 is approaching right now and I'll be turning 19 on that very first day of the year. 
When a new year begins, that's when the new challenges begin! (  ^_^) - Find your inner self by exploring the world!

Friday 25 December 2015

Year Reflection - Growing Stronger

First of all... Merry Christmas everyone! (    *∧* ) — 2015 is going to end very soon. 

I've learned many things this year and I'm really happy about it! I've no regrets. (   ^_^ )

I've learned to talk about my worries.
I've learned to share with other people.
I've learned to rely on someone.
I've learned to trust someone.
And I've learned to never give up on my dreams.

But what I still want to change about me is, to learn to let things go and move on. (e.g. my hate towards some people)

Every time, day, month and year are precious to us. The times we've spent with our loved ones are also precious to us. — Cherish them

If you feel suffocated (not litteraly), then it's possible that you want to grow up and change things about yourself. Like for example: We're all lobsters, crabs, ... (shellfish). We feel more suffocated or cramped in our old shell as we grow up. If you feel that way, then you have to throw away your old shell. But you may also know that we're going to feel more exposed and vulnerable when our shell is thrown away. That's when we're outside of our comfort-zone. If you want to grow up, then you have to go out of your comfort-zone. If you have troubles, rely on someone. The chance of failing is higher when you're doing everything on your own. If you have comrades, cherish and rely on them. And if you don't, then your first challenge is to show yourself to the others. Don't be afraid to be noticed. ;-)

If we want to be acknowledged by someone, then we have to work really hard for it. Don't say it, but DO it. Show it with your actions. You won't achieve anything by just saying it. 

Good luck!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Life - Joy

Everyone got brought on earth for a reason. First of all, I'm not very religious. But each life is precious and it must not be taken very lightly. Many people are commiting suicide each day and the percentage shouldn't be underestimated. The young ones and the new-borns are the next leaves for the next generations. 

No matter what happens in your life, you have to keep moving on and spread love to the people who need it. There are many people who don't receive affections from other people, even from their loved ones. I have to be honest that I'm still unable to love and forgive certain persons because my wound was too deep. But I've learned that I won't be able to fully move forward if I don't throw my hatred away. I've been consumed by my hatred for years and I've realized that I'm still living in the past. 

I've heard, the other day, from my mother that the invited person was unable to visit us during our birthday party because he didn't feel welcomed at our house. The reason why he couldn't come was that I've obviously projected my hostility towards him. After reflecting on it, I've decided to do my best to show some respect towards that person. All I did until now was ignoring that person even when my mother was present. 

Many things will happen in our life and everyone has their own story. We are all individuals and no one is the same. You are you, your mother and father are also a different persons. No one is going to be exactly like someone else. Our true joy of life is when we're satisfied with everything we have and not what we desire/wish to have.

Take care, wish you luck, joy and happiness in life! ( ^_^ )

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Conversation and Communication

Hi there! ^_^ How are you doing right now?

I'm quite busy lately, but that's okay. 

My purpose on writing this post is to ask you if you would mind to write something back to me. I would really appreciate that if you do it. 

Reason: I also would like to know your own stories, experiences and point of view. But I won't be dissappointed if you don't send me anything. It's all up to you. ;-) But in my opinion, it would be really interesting if we start a conversation with each other.

More importantly, I won't judge your grammar and orthography because I'm not even perfect at English, too. English is not my native language.

Take care! :-) Xxx

Communication is 'Key'. Two people can be in the same relationship and yet see it in two different ways. - Unknown