Monday 3 December 2018

Optimism & Looking Forward To New Things

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing quite well these past few months.

Today, I'm going to talk about "optimism". I'm naturally not an optimistic person, but I try to look at the brighter side of things, without ignoring the dark side of course.

When there's a light, there's always a shadow that follows.

Then, I'm in a relationship since September and I'm really happy and lucky to have met my boyfriend. But there's always that feeling; afraid of losing him. (Yes, I'm madly in love with him)

Beside those things, I'm really looking forward to learn new skills such as massaging, micro-fibing the eyebrows, lash extensions and lifting, ...

Wednesday 26 September 2018


Hi everyone! How have you guys been lately? I'm doing quite well, except for my asthma. 

Today, I'm going to talk about my uncertainty towards the future... I have always been known for my artistry, but also for my anxiety. I'm always anxious, even about the smallest things. And the problem is, I don't show it until I get a panic attack (which it doesn't happen very often). 

Next is, my classes are going to start next week in the evening. I'm scared of new environments even though my classmates are probably going to be friendly and much older. I'm anxious yet excited because I want to get more productive in my life. I have plans, but I'm scared that I won't be able to achieve them. All I know is that I have to do my best and work very smartly. 

Is there anybody here who has an anxiety disorder like me? If that's the case... when you feel like you're anxious; focus on your deep breathing from your stomach. And try to distract yourself by talking about something else with someone until you've calmed down. Or go take a walk around the block.

You can find other suggestions in this link below.

Good Luck everyone! 

Monday 13 August 2018


Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing great at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about having patience. Especially during dating. 

I'm generally a very patient person, but I have to admit that I'm quite impatient when it comes to a relationship cause I never had one.

I really yearn for a man's affection and attention, and I want to experience true love between two people.

Right now, I've talked to several men, but I haven't found someone with whom I felt the "chemistry" with. Maybe one, but I'm not sure yet. That's why I try to talk more to him and I haven't met him yet. I have to meet the person in order to know if I really like him or not.

He admits to me that he really likes me, but we  have never met. I'm really worried when a man tells me that he really likes me, but has never met me.

To put it shortly, you have to be patient and be careful when you date via dating apps.
When you aren't compatible with that person, that person will make place for the one who's meant to be with you. Never lose faith!

Much love and good luck!

Thursday 19 July 2018

Broken Heart

Hi everyone! How have you been? I'm doing well at the moment.

I wasn't feeling great the day before yesterday cause of a heartbreak. My date doesn't know what he wants with me, so I had to let him go. I cried for a few minutes and it wasn't a pretty sight. But then, I said to myself... At least, he was honest with me. At that moment, I also said to myself that maybe we aren't meant to be together as a couple.

Now, we are just friends and I don't regret dating him. I was really happy by his side even though it was for a short time. I could have a taste of what it was like to be respected. 

Remember, no matter what happens in your life. It's really important to be kind and love yourself first. There's no place for self hate and self pity; those feelings will make you feel worse about yourself.

Sunday 15 July 2018

My First

Hi everyone! How have you guys been, lately? I'm doing very well!

Today, I'm going to share about my love life with you guys! I'm not officially in a relationship yet, but I hope it will come. Slowly, but surely. As you may already assume, I've been dating this one man for a month now and I have to say that he's a true gentleman. He listens to my problems, encourages me, shows compassion and is very affectionate towards me (even in public). + is very patient with me and doesn't push me to do things I don't like.

What really surprised me is: I fell in love with him after the 4th date! I fell in love sooner than I had anticipated. I fell in love for the first time in (real) life! I also know that we share the same feelings, but he wants to take his time to get to know me. So... It means that he doesn't want to commit yet. I was really disappointed at first, but I respected his decision. (Even though, I'm quite impatient)

I have dated several guys in the past, but never fell in love with any one of them...

Love will come when you believe in it. Everyone needs to love and to be loved. If I deserve it, you deserve it too!

Much Love and Kisses!
Good Luck!

Wednesday 27 June 2018


Hi everyone! How have you guys been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Many things have happened in my life: good ones and bad ones. But that's okay, everything will be okay as long as I don't lose hope. 

Today, I'm going to talk about how to think more positively in life. As some of you may know, I've been dating lately. And it comes with ups and downs. There were different kinds of men; I wouldn't say that there were good or bad ones. Every men is different, but I have to say that many of them didn't suit me or I'm not the one they were looking for. 

There were times when I felt happy, angry and disappointed/sad. But I didn't let those situations discourage me. My mother was extremely worried that my condition would worsen if something were to happen to me. I wouldn't say that I'm scared, but I'm a little bit worried about the fact that my depression can get worser if I didn't protect myself emotionally. 

In order to protect myself emotionally, I would always think that each experience is a (life) lesson.  If I fall, I stand up. We are always learning until our death. It's really important to keep your mindset flexible. 

In this case, if we don't suit each other then we are not meant to be together and there's no reason to think that there's something wrong with ourselves. If you feel sad, then feel it. I don't have the right to tell you to not to be sad if you're feeling sad. But remember, don't drown yourself in your feelings. Letting your feelings flow is healthy, but becoming berserk because of it is another story.

No matter what happens, don't lose your smile and your ability to show compassion towards other people. 

Good luck!

Thursday 17 May 2018

Current Struggles

Hi everyone! How have you been doing? I'm doing quite well at the moment. 😊

Today, I'm going to talk about my current struggle(s)...

First of all, we all know everyone is struggling with something. In my case, I'm struggling with maintaining my concentration for a long time and weight loss. (Yes, I gained weight but that's okay. I'm working on it.)

I embrace those struggles by:

  1. reading books, studying little by little, ... and;
  2. exercising almost everyday for at least 15 minutes.

Simply said, I want you to embrace your struggles. It's the journey that counts and not the destination.
Struggle with glory!

"If you're climbing up a mountain, you're obviously aiming for the top. But let's enjoy the view, too." - Kiyoshi Teppei

That's it folks! Wish you guys the best during your journey! 

Sunday 29 April 2018

Showing/Getting Love & Compassion

Hi everyone! It's been a while... How have you been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about the benefits of showing/getting love and compassion.

First of all, I think the world needs more love and compassion in order to melt the ice. Communicating about our needs, feelings and thoughts, and listening to other people without any judgements are very important qualities. The majority of us didn't develop those qualities very well and that's why there are misunderstandings and prejudices. 

Love and compassion are aspects that make us humane. Even animals can show those qualities because they don't judge. If animals can show those qualities, so do we. We call that unconditional love. 

- Love without any prejudices -

The biggest benefits about love and compassion are: having a longer life span and a happier life.

I know many of us know about this saying: Love hurts.

And that's not true; love is the purest feeling in the world. Being betrayed/hit/rejected/... hurts. 

I love to give love to other people by listening to their problems, spoiling them with a manicure, hugging them, ... But most importantly, you have to love yourself first before loving other people. Or else, that love wouldn't be genuine. (That's what I think, and if you don't agree. I understand.)

The benefits of showing love is that people will appreciate it. I know some of those people will take things for granted, but that's okay. Just focus on those that do appreciate your gestures. And that's what I do. Being satisfied with your actions without expecting things in return is one of the best feelings ever. You won't be worried about  the disappointments. If you expect too much to get something in return, then you'll indeed be disappointed. 

Remember, love yourself first, show love & compassion, and don't expect things in return.

That's it folks!

Wish you good luck!

Saturday 17 March 2018

The Rubber Band

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about how to live and get to your full potential. What are you doing (every day) in order to grow and improve yourself? It doesn't have to be everyday, but the question is, are you doing something to improve yourself? 

Many people have dreams, but only a few pursue and achieve them. Mediocrity is the enemy of growth. Everyone needs challenges in order to improve themselves. We won't achieve anything if we don't take risks. If we fail, we learn from it and move on. We become wiser and stronger by doing that. 

What I'm doing to improve myself is reading self-improving books. And I share things that I've learned. 

Our life is like a rubber band. When are they useful? 

That's right, they are only useful when they stretch. At one end, there's you and the other end is your goal. If your band is too stretched, you will find it difficult to achieve the goal. And if it's not stretched enough, then your goal is too easy and you won't grow because of that. One must know what's attainable and what's not. If it's not attainable within a year, make annual goals that goes to that one big goal. And one day, you will reach it. It's a matter of GRIT.

The one who lose, is the one who quits. Winners don't lose by mistakes; they win because of their grit. So that makes them cool. 😊 And I want to be like them. 

That's it folks! Good Luck! 

Thursday 15 February 2018

Insecurities And Qualities

Hi everyone! How have you been doing? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about my insecurities. Everyone has them. And after that, I'm going to talk about my qualities.

First and foremost, I have insecurities about my height. I'm not tall like I would like to be. I'm only 1m50 (4 ft 92). But I'm trying my best to accept my height. Cause being small is cute + I can economise money while buying clothes in the child section. 😂 

Secondly I don't like my calves. I think they're too muscular and thick. I don't think I have slim calves, but my legs bring me to places and I can run very fast. 

Then I don't like my hairy body. I'm quite hairy for a girl.

And last but not least, I would like to improve my social skills. I'm a very shy person and I would like to be more outgoing.

Up to the next! Now, I'm going to talk about my qualities. 😊 

First, I like my face a lot! I think my face is small and cute. 

Secondly, I like my hands a lot! I'm quite handy, but I can be clumsy sometimes. I think it's cute.

Then I like my voice, I can express myself (singing) with it.

And last but not least, I like my personality in general. I'm strict, but I'm not a tyrant. I'm gentle, but not overly nice. I can be mean, but I'm not a mean person. I like to listen to other people's concerns and love to help them!

That's it for today! See you next time!! ❤️

Thursday 8 February 2018

Things To Look Forward To

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about things I'm looking forward to.

First and for all, I have to say that there are times when I feel at my worst, till I can't look forward to the future. I'm a very pessimistic person, but I'm trying my best to look at things on the bright side. 

As long as we're alive, there're still new opportunities for us. As long as we're alive, it's not hopeless (yet). 

"Trauma is irreversible. How it shapes us is our choice." - Sasha Joseph Neulinger

It's true that we got hurt and bruised. But we are the ones who make the choice about how we carry  on our life. Don't let the trauma shape your present and future. You're not the trauma and the trauma doesn't define your identity. You. Are. You. Remember that.

Right now, I'm looking forward to things in my life: I'll be travelling for a month with my mother, spending time with my family and the Chinese New Year. I can't wait to see my family again! 

That's it folks! 

Thursday 1 February 2018


Hi everyone! How have you guys been lately? I'm not feeling very well at the moment, cause my phone got stolen and my date wasn't present because of a misunderstanding.

I really looked forward to my very first date, but yeah... Misunderstandings can always happen when you don't know the person very well. 

And I can't blame myself for getting my phone stolen. I really feel disappointed. I don't understand the mindset of those pickpockets... And I'll never understand them. 

I talked about my disappointment to my friends and they all consoled me. And I felt better because of that and also because I felt disappointed. I was able to express my feelings like I promised to my friends and mother.

If you feel disappointed, just feel it and wait until it gets over. I know that this feeling is one of the most uncomfortable feelings of all feelings. But you have to feel it in order to move on. Don't rush. Feel it and express it. It's going to be ok.

That's it folks! Good Luck!!

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Meeting New People

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I'm going to talk about meeting new people and giving them a chance. Right, you read it right! I'm going to give someone a chance to love me for who I am. I'm currently talking with two people in order to know what I'm looking for in a relationship. The reason why I decided to date is because I want to experience love. I want to move forward. Even if it's going to be difficult. 

I know that there will be disappointments and heartbreaks, but that's ok. That's part of the process. All I have to do are: have faith and be patient. If we don't match, then it just means that we aren't meant to be together. 

I know that all of these are rational thinking and that the experience might be different. Even my therapist is worried about me. She's worried that I don't have something to support me during those difficult times. But I assured her that if there's something, I have my mother, my friends and her beside me. And that I will go to them in order to express my feelings and thoughts. 

I even made a list about my boundaries; things I don't wish/want to do on my first date. It's in order to protect myself and my inner child. (I don't have a baby, I'm talking about the mini me. I HAVE TO and WILL protect her from any harms.) 😂

In short, I want you to open yourself up on your own pace. You don't have to follow my pace and example if you don't want to. I'm not obliging anyone from doing it. But the most important thing is that you have to respect and love yourself first in order to be able to do that. 

That's it folks! Good luck!! ❤️

Saturday 27 January 2018

Art: Suppressed Feelings & Distrust

Hi everyone! How have you guys been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment.

Today, I would like to share another art that I've made back in March 2017. 
It's called "Suppressed Feelings & Distrust". I made this art while feeling like that. I needed to express my feelings. 

As you can see; my eyes and mouth are sewed together. Meaning that I was unable to see people who care about me and unable to express myself verbally. And that missing heart; it means that I isolated myself from everybody and began to distrust them without any reason.

©Sông-Sông Dang
Please do not use without permission

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Confiding Onces Thoughts & Feelings

Hi everyone! How have you been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment, but still... I get these dark thoughts from time to time.

They come and go for a few seconds. Sometimes I do feel hopeful and I try to keep on feeling like that, but it's clearly not as easy as I thought it would be. And that's normal. Life is not always rose coloured as we want it to always be. And if your feelings of hopelessness do stick around for a longer period of time, SEEK FOR HELP or at least, TALK to someone whom you can trust or call a Samaritan who's specialised! You can call them for free. I can't really give you their number because I don't know where you live.

I have to admit that I too have difficulties when it comes to seeking for help or approaching someone in order to confide my thoughts and feelings. I tend to process those on my own, but it doesn't help me from time to time. I hate to show my weaknesses and worries to others, but I won't get anywhere if I'm stuck with these thoughts and feelings. And the other reasons why I do confide them are because I feel heard and that people feel appreciated when I do that. (I should focus more on those reasons 😂)

I just want to remind you that there's hope and help will come. I believe/faith in you! 

Let's all work hard together! 😊

(Please share with a friend or family member! The more we help and support others, the better and hopeful it will be! Remind them that they're not alone.)

Many love and kisses!

Sunday 21 January 2018

Art: Overwhelmed

Hi guys! How have you guys been lately? I'm doing very well at the moment. 

Today I would like to share you one of my arts, made back in May 2017. 

Name: Overwhelmed

Share (or Google+)/comment if you like it! I'll do my best to post more of these posts! 😊

©Sông-Sông Dang

Saturday 6 January 2018

7 Ways To Manage (Severe) Depression

Hi everyone! How have you guys been lately? I'm doing well at the moment, nothing has changed. I'm still tired as usual, even though I did something during the day.

Today, I'm going to talk about something I've just read and want to share with you. I've read about the "7 Ways to Manage Severe Depression" by Therese Borchard, a mental health writer and activist. 

I highly recommend you to (try to) read it if you're depressed or know someone who's depressed. I know it's not easy to read if you're severely depressed. I'm not trying to push or oblige you or whatsoever.

That's all for today guys!

Good luck! & Happy New Year!