Friday 21 October 2016

Spread Your Story

Hi, everyone!! How are you doing right now? I'm doing great!

I want to ask you a favour, even though it may be too soon for you. Just take your time, until you feel ready. But first, I want to remind you that you're not the only one who is experiencing pain right now and you are going to experience it again in the future. Everyone does. The one experiences the same pain as the other one, but the intensity may be different. Some people recover very fast from the pain and the other people don't.

With 'Pain', it doesn't only mean physical pain, but also emotional pain. Everyone must have experienced it at least once in their lifetime, even as an infant.

Now, the favour... I want you to spread your story to other people in order to help them. You don't have to follow a professional education, but... you can give them a sign that you're also supporting them and making sure that they're not alone on this Earth. Help comes if you look around. The society needs to show more comprehension to the ones who need help and to give them help. And if you're capable of doing that, you can even begin right now.

Good Luck!

Friday 7 October 2016

Turn Back Time...

Image: Google Images 
This poem is dedicated to my grandfather who just past away this morning...

You were my Sunshine,
Even though we couldn't see each other everyday...
We didn't talk much to each other,
But I loved you very dearly...

While I was busy with growing up,
I also forgot that you were growing old...

I have always wanted you to see my growth
How I became the person I am today...
And I also wanted to share my other happinesses with you.

Your collapse turned my stomach upside down,
And I... Wished I could turn back time...

Rest In Peace, Grandfather... We Love You ❤️ (Family Nguyen)

Sunday 2 October 2016

Quote: Dream Big

No matter what other people think or say about your dreams... Your dreams are YOUR dreams! If you want to achieve them; take bold steps towards it and stay humble while doing it. ☺️

(picture: google images "hope")

Good Luck!!