Thursday 15 December 2016


Hi everyone. How are you doing? I'm getting better now after getting support from my friends, my family and school.

First of all, I would like to show them my utmost gratitude, even though I got some harsh advice from some of them and got angry after that...

I've been stressing myself out lately because of my competitiveness at the college. I was comparing myself to those who have a stronger and more straight forwarded personality. I looked up to them, but was also envious of them and lost sight of my own worth at some point.

If you're in the same situation like me (like losing your self-worth). Please don't be. It's just harmful to yourself, just like it did to me.

Much Love and don't ever give up!

Saturday 10 December 2016

Standing Up Again & Facing My Obstacles

Hi everyone! How do you do? I'm feeling much better right now, after talking about it with people I trust and seeking professional help. 

Having a depression is indeed not fun at all and it keeps you from doing things that you love in your daily life. But once detected and recognized... It's much easier to do something about it.

If you have or someone has it right now... I understand that it's very difficult to get (that person) motivated in order to act. You don't have to rush things. Just go and recover on your pace.

For those who know someone who has a depression... I would like to ask you to show great patience, determination and compassion to that person. Because I know how difficult it is to heal that person in question.

Facing your or someone else's depression is the first step to recovery.

"You've overcome such difficult things, and because of that, you're stronger than you know." - Brendon Burchard

I wish you all the best in life, no matter what!

Monday 5 December 2016


Hi everyone... 

Today, I'm going to talk about how a person with a depression feels like cause I want to bring more awareness about that to everyone who's reading my blog. I've been there in the past and this time... it came back before I could even realize it.

A depression is first of all not an illness, but a disturbance of exchanging neurotransmitters and chemicals in your brain. The neurotransmitters play a very important role in your brain because they send and connect information to all parts of your brain. In short, they are the messengers of your brain. And the chemicals (serotonine, dopamine and norepinephrine) are the ones which regulates your body functions, moods and pleasure. ➤ The brain of the person who has a depression produces less of these chemicals.

Now, to me... A depression feels like a monster which devours all my will and happiness to do the things I love to do in my daily life. I can't think or do things properly, my head and neck hurt, I'm always afraid, tired and I have those dark thoughts every now and then. I don't really show those signs now, but I did show it 2 weeks ago. I didn't come out of my room for a few days till late in the night, I couldn't sleep and eat properly as before and my eyes looked lifeless. Beside that, I even avoided every social contact (family and friends) because I didn't want them to ask me if I was feeling okay. I've always avoided that question and now... I'm lying to them by saying that I'm fine or I'm feeling great with a bright smile on my face...

The depression (to me) is in short a monster which I have created. It comes when I'm in my most vulnerable state and then goes away after I've changed my mindset by seeking help and support from the others.

For those who have a depression right now... Please don't be ashamed of it. Having a depression is NOT a sign of weakness.

- Growing out of your depression is, learning to accept and embrace your thoughts without any guilt.-