Sunday 24 September 2017


Hi everyone! How have you been? I'm doing quite well at the moment. Today, I'm going to talk about my fears (I've already talked about it a few months ago, but I have the need to express it right now)

My fears didn't come suddenly without any reasons. You already know that I have difficulties with showing my vulnerability, love and trust. And with this post, I would like to tell you that I want to face those issues. (Not all at once, it's too much)

I fear love because it strips you till you're naked (I'm talking about the feelings and problems you're hiding, not literally). You have to show your vulnerability and honesty towards that person. 
And I fear love because of the emotional pain after a bad break up. (I never had a relationship before)

But on the other hand, I yearn for experiencing love, but I'm too afraid to let it in. And I'm also glad that I have people to encourage me to take my time. Most of my friends are in a relationship and I'm curious about how it feels like to be loved and cherished by someone.

And you? 

If you do; I would also like to encourage you to take your time until you feel ready to jump in it.

Good Luck!

Monday 4 September 2017

New start

Hi everyone! How have you been? I'm doing quite well lately.

I'm writing this post in order to let you know that I'm trying my best in order to distract myself from those negative thoughts by studying a new course in order to have a different scenery and to work on my creativity. I'll be studying beautician specialized in the artificial nail arts for a year. Beside that course, they also offer an option in business administration. - Perfect timing! (or else I'll forget the lessons I've taken at the college)

With this post, I want to encourage you to distract yourself from those dark thoughts by taking up a new hobby like sports, a new course, ... or to encourage the person you know to do it. It may take a lot of time in order to move that person, but... Patience is KEY. 

Good Luck!